The Crypto Bear Market in 2022 may have taken you by surprise, which has led to the liquidation of many top VCs and Exchanges, including 3 Arrows, Luna, and Voyager, just to mention but a few, and other prominent crypto giant companies to voluntarily sack a certain percentage of their workforce to reduce the cost of operations.
Bitcoin tanking from an all-time high of $60k, now resting at a $20k support level, ETH from $4k to $1k, same faith for other crypto assets in the entire ecosystem. Despite this calamity going on in the 2022 crypto bear market, they are still fun activities that you can engage in and earn real money while you wait for the crypto winter season to pass away.
In a bad market, $10 in rewards is better than near ATHs. There are some projects that failed, but those that reached all-time highs after going from 95% to 5% are very profitable.
In this article, I am going to show you crypto activities that you can engage in and earn real money, without further ado let go right in.
Fun Things to do in the Crypto Bear Market in 2022 to Make Money
#1 Coinbase Learn and Earn Rewards
Coinbase Learn and Earn reward is an initiative from Coinbase Exchange that gives you the opportunity to learn the basics of cryptocurrency by watching short explanatory videos and then earning a reward in tokens for doing that. With Coinbase Learn and Earn, users have received more than $100 million in crypto, including 0x, Basic Attention Token, Zcash, Stellar Lumens, EOS, Dai, Tezos, Orchid, Compound, Celo, Nucypher, and the Graph.
#2 DropsEarn Airdrops
With Dropsearn, you will find the possibilities of earning free crypto assets through airdrop campaigns, promotion, and performing little tasks for a reward. Do you have interest in becoming an Ambassador for a crypto project, where you earn by representing a crypto platform online, performing a promotional task for them in exchange for a remit, Dropearns also provide such an opportunity and many more.
#3 Gleam Competitions
Have you heard of Gleam? If No is your answer then it’s because you haven’t participated in the crypto airdrop rewards campaigns that much, because Gleam is the most frequent tool used by crypto projects to set up promotional campaigns like airdrops and giveaways. They are real, I have earned lots of tokens with value by participating in the gleam competition, and you too should.
#4 Apply for Crypto Jobs
The popular crypto job joke that comes up whenever the bear market is Mcdonald’s hiring crypto bros,

But then, this isn’t a McDonald’s joke, despite the rapid layoff of staff from crypto exchanges, and other web3 firms, you can find a good part-time job in crypto even in the bear market because “we keep building”.
I make money whether we are in a bull or bear market because I work for a crypto project, and even in the dip we still perform our deliverables and get our salary.
Some jobs role you can fit in with little to no experience needed are:
- Community manager role
- Growth lead
- Social media marketer
- Graphics design
- Programming
- Ambassador
Check out our Crypto Job Board to apply for available open crypto positions from time to time.
#5 Study and Read Crypto Books
Checking the charts every 5 minutes is not going to make the market reach ATH. Instead, I suggest using the time to learn more about the technology. The more you know, the less you will rely on influencers. Some examples:
One important fun thing you need to do in the crypto bear market is to study blockchain and cryptocurrency, and you can go as far as acquiring a Web3 skill. Check out these resources to Learn Web3 for free.
Other recommendations for you are:
- Read some books on cryptocurrencies. If you are looking for book recommendations, just search this subreddit for ‘cryptocurrency books’ and you will find plenty of threads with recommendations.
- Read some whitepapers. These are hard reads but go for it and ask questions. Community channels for projects are quiet during these times and it’s easy to ask the team questions and get clarity as you expand your knowledge.
- Take basic coding courses and learn the basics of smart contracts and blockchain. Crypto zombies were my favorite starter but there are plenty of resources out there, even for those with no coding background.
- Take basic trading courses. I am not the trading type but learning about different market indicators helped me realize most of these TA posts are nonsense.
- Try out new platforms, features, and functions. As the above section mentioned, gas is cheap, try out some of what blockchain has to offer.
In the end, hope you realize they are various fun things to do in the crypto bear market to earn money, than just watching the chart and hoping for ATH.
Hope you find this useful.