Have you been searching for ways, and resources to learn Web3 for free? Then check out these compiled resources that will help you understand Web3, and how it works. Understanding Web3.0 helps you to stay abreast with the happening in the space and exposes you to more Web3 Career Opportunities.
What is Web3.0

Web3.0 is about the next evolution of the web. A web that is more open, transparent and decentralized. Web3.0 is about the next evolution of the web. A web that is more open, transparent and permissionless and runs on decentralized infrastructure such as blockchains. Global and decentralized applications (DApps) that anyone can interact with.
They often have native assets integrated (such as Ether) to transact value, but are not just about money or payments. These decentralized applications offer a range of digitial services, such as storage, bandwidth and computation without any risk of downtime, censorship, fraud, or 3rd-party interference.
Resources to Learn Web3 for Free
Below are some of the best resources to learn Web3 for free out there.
1. Learn Web3 DAO – Learn all about Web 3
LearnWeb3 was founded with one goal in mind: to onboard as many developers into Web3 as possible. In the early 2000s, they saw an unprecedented boom in web2 that lead us to the internet we have today. In 2022, the same thing is happening again with Web3 and the metaverse.
However, learning Web3 is not easy. There is a lot of information fragmentation, and not all knowledge gaps are properly addressed. Learn Web3 saw a great need for a place where developers can come and learn everything there is to know to get to a point where they can feel very confident in developing their own dApps and protocols. They want there to be diversity in who benefits from Web3.
Learn Web3’s mission is to create a grassroots organization that creates fully-fledged developers and brings them into the ecosystem. We advocate for women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups in tech, with the mission of creating as many Web3 developers as possible.
2. Cryptozombies – Learn Solidity
CryptoZombies.io is a free teaching platform to teach existing developers or complete newcomers the ins and out of programming for the Blockchain. Powered by Loom Network – a platform for building commercial scale apps on Ethereum.
CryptoZombies is an interactive school that teaches you all things technical about blockchains. Learn to make smart contracts in Solidity by making your own crypto-collectibles game.
In-browser step-by-step lessons take you from the very basics of Solidity to creating your own fully-functional blockchain-based game. Even by the end of Lesson 1 (which can be completed in one sitting), you’ll know enough to officially call yourself a Blockchain developer!
In Lesson 1, you will build a Zombie Factory to build your army. Every Zombie you create will have randomly generated DNA and have his own unique appearance. Further lessons (1 released each week) will add more functionality to your game, like the ability to battle other people’s zombies!
Earn crypto-collectible Zombies and bonuses by completing coding lessons. After completing all lessons and deploying your DApp, pit your zombie army against other players’ zombies in one of the world’s first blockchain-based games! Half code-school, half MMO crypto-collectible strategy game.
3. Smart Contract Engineer
Smart Contract Engineer will teach you the following.
- Solidity – basic to advance (versionĀ 0.8.13)
- Vyper – basic to advance (versionĀ 0.3.3)
4. UseWeb3 – All Web3 Learning Resources
useWeb3 is a platform for developers to explore and learn about Web3. Whether youre a new dev getting your hands dirty for the first time, or a seasoned developer making the transition into the Web3 space. With Useweb3 you will be able to access the latest resources and get familiar with the core concepts and fundamentals. Learning from tutorials, courses, books, videos or code challenges and start building.
5. Buildspace – Build Web3 Projects
Buildspace accelerates your builder journey into web3. Whether you’re just starting out, a seasoned vet transitioning from web2, or thinking of building something cool, you have a home with us. Join 60k+ incredible builders doing just that. Once you enroll you get in a channel where you’ll get to share progress with a cohort of awesome devs.
Bookmark this page and visit often because we will continue to add more resources to learn everything about Web3.0 for free here.