Where you live now, is largely irrelevant to your investments. Sure, some things make a difference. For example, if you live in the US as an ex-pat, there are tax implications.
But in general, there are loads of expat-focused accounts, which are designed to be flexible, that are portable, and move with you when you move to another location.
Often all you need to do is update your credit/debit card payment or just send it from a new bank account.
What matters is what you invest in, as well.

The best way to invest, according to a lot of academic research is:
- Investing 80% in long-term assets and 20% in something “sexier”.
- Long-term beats market timing
- Low-cost diversified index funds beat over-diversification
- Markets beat property long-term
- Never think “now isn’t the right time to invest”. There will always be elections, unexpected events, and various crises.
- For expats there are other considerations such as port
Most DIY investors, whether ex-pats or non-expats fail for the same reasons.
They don’t understand risk – they either take none and lose to inflation in the bank or get seduced by getting rich quick scheme.
One of the key changes these days is the “death” of the lifetime ex-pat.
No longer are ex-pats having just one assignment. Often ex-pats are being moved around every 3–4 years.
The coronavirus has only exaggerated that process, with many ex-pats being unexpectedly moved on.
So an online solution that is portable and can be “taken with you” when you move is essential.
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