Bitcoin Black being running the Bitcoin Black Airdrop for over 3 years now finally DEAD. No team, No concept & huge supply in Billions.
They are fund of making a mockery of Bitcoin but then, they presale their coin to raise Bitcoin. Please read a quote form their whitepaper which says:
Bitcoin is in a cycle which will discourage people from cryptocurrency and remove hope of cryptocurrency being an ecosystem for the people, making it seem like an enemy as the majority of people enter at the wrong time due to the media. Bitcoin takes power from the people as it’s heavily manipulated and through cycles that discourage participants from cryptocurrency in general.
Bitcoin Black
They are talking against bitcoin on their whitepaper but how surprising is that they want to raise Bitcoin by their ICO. you can check here that they are continuing their presale by using the bitcoin payment method.
With a Total supply: (36 000 000 000) Just look at their total supply. I think they just use the name of bitcoin only to get investors’ attention but in reality, they are totally spreading news against bitcoin.
I will suggest reading their whitepaper to know details about this possible scam. They claim their team is a community, But these are just peoples who registered there. In reality, they have no team members, hence the dev team are anonymous.
The Bitcoin Black Scam – Bitcoin Black is DEAD

A coin that’s tailing a popular existing coin such as BTC usually a scam. It’s not a new thing that some people created these kind of coin mimicking bitcoin just to trick people into thinking their coin worth as much as the real deal.
It kind of reminds me of that time when it’s popular to create tokenized erc20 version of popular coin which in turns just become massive pump and dump game. I’d recommend not to invest anything ICO without reading this (How to detect fake Token).
I don’t think Bitcoin Black isn’t that active anymore aside from the fact that the thread was dead a long time ago and has only woken up by a member commenting “Dead on Arrival” (on there Twitter account’s last post was dated October 18, 2018, which was also around the last time their thread was active.
Aside from that, all 840 members registered in their “community” inside their website are all offline which only means no one is really active on the website anymore.
Theb Suspect Maher Belgasmi as Bitcoin Black Team Member
The Bitcoin Black ICO might have already scammed its buyers as we cannot really see any update after that.
The only thing we can confirm is Maher Belgasmi is part of their team (which was also the 2nd account shown in their member page), he provided links of their Telegram group and some updates in their forum last February.
We haven’t seen any identical images of him online so there is a possibility that he got that image personally from someone.

Martin Audley on Trust pilot added – Bitcoin Black is A total scam ripoff copy of the superb Nano cryptocurrency, but with little of any acknowledgement that they copied Nano’s node code and simply rebadged/rebranded the Kalium/Natrium wallet. An anonymous Dev Team with no profile pictures and no social media presence even under their supposed anonymous names. A profit making enterprise.
Awakpame on added – In my opinion, Bitcoin Black is not clear because they even say that 36 billion coins are already in circulation which means that there will be more coins to be mined. I think you better avoid investing in bitcoin black and invest in other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ETH, XRP and so on which already have a good reputation and are well known in the world.
Here’s what they said in their whitepaper admits team anonymous nature:
The project up until ICO will rely upon 4 anonymous members who will also remain involved in the first bitcoin black foundation. The 4 members have a great wealth of combined knowledge and field experience in all the necessary parts to execute the project to the point where the community that will be structured can be of large significance of a global currency.

Why remain anonymous? So things can continue to operate without interference or the threat of the ecosystem being shut down and people being forced to comply with different government branches who wish to strip power from the people and don’t want a threat to their establishment successfully launched and autonomously managed. More bitcoin black foundations will form as the bitcoin black members volume grows.
However, Bitcoin Black began by a group who wishes to remain anonymous from Australia. The project is intended to be community based.
Bitcoin Black Real Scam
Early members of Bitcoin black who have now confirmed that Bitcoin Black is a scam, are currently hyping the coin, so as they can sell of to a new investors, just to get a cash back.
Perfectcircle on Bitcointalk said- I knew that Bitcoinblack, the project claimed to beat or surpass bitcoin but I knew that’s a big joke, I earned 3600 of this coin through airdrop and the wallet app is available on playstore too but there is no development or updates anymore, it’s probably a scam, I can’t even sell the airdrop I earned, it looks abandoned.
This un kind act will continuously to go on not until proper awareness is made known, imagine buying and selling of a coin that has no value, not tradeable, and not listed in any exchange.
Bitcoin black is a scam coin. there are so many people in Quora are saying it’s a scam coin too. Any coin that was use the name of bitcoin to catch the attention from the buyers can be categorized as scam coin too.
There will be no more bitcoin and bitcoin is the only one that will rule crypto. The name of this coin reminds me with so many scam bitcoin fork coin like Bitcoin diamond or bitcoin gold
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