The Vendible community is very honored to have such an amazing community. There are however people that go above and beyond being active community members. These people sometimes act like an extension of the Vendible Team itself. For these people, Vendible has created the Vendible Ambassador Program.
Vendible Ambassador Program

Ambassadors are vital in increasing Vendible’s & Trustible’s awareness. Ambassadors are key contributors to the community with direct communication access to the Vendible Labs core team An Ambassadorship grants the following privileges:
You get direct lines to the Vendible team and open lines with the Head of Community (email, phone, discord, telegram, Twitter) to Head of Community Cristiaan Brans;
• You get a cool badge on Vendible discord;
• You get bragging rights
• Gain valuable experience within the web3.0 space and enjoy behind-the-scenes access to the Vendible team;
• Greater involvement in decision-making processes by providing direct feedback to relevant Vendible team officials.
Vendible Ambassador
Ambassadors are chosen after an interview submission by themselves, a personal interview, and vetting. While there might be no limit to the number of Ambassadors Vendible have, they want to ensure all are of high quality. Initially chosen by Vendible, the intent is that these positions will be periodically reviewed.
Later on, they expect the DAO and community to be involved in this process. Together they form the Vendible S.W.A.T. team. This is intentional because it’s by no means an individual effort. Vendible wants the various Ambassadors to team up, and work together to get the best possible results.
Vendible Ambassador Roles
Vendible has four different roles:
1. Social Media Engagers
Social media engagers drive adoption by proactively online engagement in social media channels and online discussions relevant to Vendible. The aim here is to be present in targeted discussions and through that interaction inform new communities of Vendible & Trustible. Adding trust, inviting people into our community, and educating other project influencers.
2. Web3 Content Creators
Web3 constant creators drive adoption by educating the community and the wider audiences. Creating content, this can be a video, graphic design, blog, podcast, or similar.
3. Assembly Ambassador
Assembly ambassadors drive adoption by hosting regular Vendible meetups within their communities or communities opening the doors to Vendible. Connect with grouped-up blockchain enthusiasts to educate them about Vendible & Trustible. They announce these events in our calendar and post on social media about their progress.
4. Translators
Translators help the other Ambassadors and the community by translating regularly our English content into other languages. This allows the other ambassadors to enter new markets.
To apply for a role, email Cristiaan Brans, Head of Community
Vendible Ambassador Application Mail Format
- Subject: (Application Ambassador)
- Tell us about yourself (for this role we’ll need to get to know you anonymous application isn’t possible).
- Tell us which ambassador type you’d want to be.
- Tell us your plans/idea’s behind what you could do in this role.
- Following that we’ll schedule a call/interview.
- Once approved you’ll be allowed to serve as Ambassador for the coming period of 6 months or until terminated from either side before.
- After this, we’ll review the process and position.
- A good understanding of English (we need to be able to clearly communicate with you and vice versa)
- Verified Ible Citizen
- Min age of 18
Targets & Rewards
There are two ways to earn rewards as an Ambassador
- A target bounty set up by Vendible is smashed with the specific help of the Ambassadors.
- A proposal made by an Ambassador or group of Ambassadors is discussed accepted and listed as a private target.
To hit the targets & earn the rewards, Ambassadors will need to announce that they are working on this target, and discuss what their intended actions are. A reward will be set up according to their actions and expected results.
A reward will be allocated from the VEND pool. Ideally, when metrics show the results of those actions, the allotted amount of VEND credits will be assigned to the ambassadors based on the agreement made. At its own discretion, the Vendible team may increase or decrease the rewards based on activity, over or underachievement.
For example: To help smash “Discord growth to 5,000 members”, the TRANSLATOR ambassador wants to translate key pieces of content to Vietnamese and help to get those people into discord that way. While the SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGER ambassador wants to work on the same target but has a smart social invite system/plan that will drive up the numbers. Based on their intended actions we might agree on their actions and have a reward of 10.000 VEND to one and 3.000 VEND to the other. Once their individual actions are described, executed, and measured we reward the ambassadors by assigning the VEND credits.
On top of their initiatives. Vendible’s s.w.a.t. team of ambassadors will take direction from Vendible, coordinating their effort to reach specific goals set in mind. We will have meetings to discuss how to achieve these goals together, what activities we’ll do, and when.
There currently are **100.000 VEND **available until the end of the year. This may increase or decrease depending on the results. This comes from the participation pool of VEND as described here:
About Vendible
Vendible is a privacy-preserving identity network that gives you greater control over your data and assets while helping developers remove barriers to DeFi adoption.