Seedify fund is a seed fund & decentralized incubator
, empowering next innovations of the blockchain ecosystem, through community-driven governance, feedback, and involvement mechanisms.
Any entrepreneur/innovator can submit their projects to Seedify fund DAO project proposals, get voted by the community, and get their seed fund as well as enter our incubation program.
At Seedify fund, stakers and the community members who involve in the success of the projects that get their seed fund and incubated through community votings, receive reward tokens from selected projects, creating a DeFi seed fund mechanism.
Seedify Funds Review: Is Seedify Fund a Good Investment/Project

Seedify fund Ecosystem consists of product features and mechanisms that support each other while creating new benefits for all parties involved in the ecosystem.
These main products features and mechanisms are;
Funding Pool
Community Involvement Programs
Community Involvement Rewards
Solution Partners Program Dashboard for a simple user experience to interact with these systems.
These sets of elements are chosen so they drive win/win situations between the parties involved in seedify ecosystem, which are mainly;
Entrepreneurs, innovators, and project teams
Token holders and stakers
Community members
Treasury and resources
Blockchain ecosystem products & services
While the elements mentioned in the seedify fund whitepaper are the base versions of ecosystem, their DAO will begin from the first days of release, so to go over all the details of user interfaces, workflows, and numerical parameters with their community, to release products which are fully tested, and improved by community feedback loops.
Thus, community-driven feedback and DAO votings will not only be the mainframe of the seedify fund incubator system but also the way ecosystem also goes through its own product development cycles.
Since adoption metrics of our ecosystem is key to the outcomes it will produce for all parties involved, we aim to develop only through proven feedback cycles which welcome adoption.
Lastly, the yearly roadmaps of, will be decided at Q4 through DAO sessions and votings, so each year we can focus on producing extra added benefits and products according to what our community expects, rather than defining our roadmaps in centralized ways.
Thus, true decentralization, paired with community-driven mechanisms will always be at the core of the ecosystem features and product development cycles.
Seedify Fund Tokeneconomic
- Circulating & Total Supply
- Token name:
- Initial token type:
- Total supply:
100.000.000 coins
- Initial circulating supply:
15.000.000 coins (%15)

Community Rewards
= 7.000.000 coins (%7)
– will be unlocked and released as bounties are performed to decentralize as well as jumpstart community, engagement & marketing awareness programs.
Initial Fund Pool
= 6.000.000 coins (%6) -
these coins will be staying in the fund pool wallet to transfer funds to community-selected projects through the DAO – this wallet will not be staking nor joining liquidity mining program to not dilute rewards.
Initial Operations Pool
= 2.000.000 coins (%2) -
these coins will be sold in small proportions to inject resources to operations, bringing in new team members, pay the costs of audits, legal, development & marketing, as well as provide liquidity if there is necessity.

The rest of the total:
%9 Liquidity Mining Programs
- First 3 months: 1.500.000 tokens each month will be available for liquidity mining rewards
- Next 2 months: 1.000.000 tokens each month will be available for liquidity mining rewards
- Next 5 months: 500.000 tokens each month will be available for liquidity mining rewards
%10 First Year Marketing & Development Fund
- First-Year Marketing & Development fund tokens will be locked initially.
- Will start to get released two months after market release, each month at a rate of %1 for 10 months
- For injecting resources into marketing awareness campaigns, as well as development, operations, and growth of brand, products, and ecosystem.
%16 Team & Founder Reserve
- Locked initially, released at %2 every 6 months for 4 years
- Locked tokens will be non-stakable, only released tokens will be stakable.
%50 Funding Pool Reserve
- Will be locked initially, released at 5% every 6 months, for 5 years
- The reserve will not participate in staking, thus not diluting staking rewards while locked.
- They will be sold in small proportions to inject more resources to the funding pool, to seed fund & incubate more projects, inject more resources for the growth of ecosystem, as well as increasing the financial benefits that come from staking as a side effect of being able to fund more projects.
What Problem Does Seedify Fund Project Aim at Solving
Since one of the core parts of is helping incubated projects to become stronger organizations, we also want to make sure that they gain beneficial partnerships through our program.
Especially in the blockchain market, partnerships are very important elements for success, since they open new doors for technical opportunities, marketing, and awareness benefits, as well as gain new advantages in many different areas regarding their products, services, and organizations.
Their Solution Partners Program will be about making strong partnerships for incubated projects, in areas such as;
VC Support
Marketing & PR
User Interfaces & Design
Smart Contract Security
DAO Architecture
Incorporation & Legal
Exchange & Dex Support
as well as other areas where partners can add value will build an interface where incubated projects can directly contact verified solution partners for their needs, and our partnership managers will be solely focusing on developing this network, through building relationships with the right partners.
Through this program the process for incubated projects to find the right partners will get easier, also, it will give them a recommendation tool for getting most of their needs met through a simple interface.
In the selection process to our Solution Partners Program, our partnership team will work on a case-by-case base analysis, research each prospect solution partner carefully, before inviting them to our program.
Also when we will start to get applications for the Solution Partners Program, the same case-by-case analysis scenario will continue, so the program can be a trusted way for incubated projects to get their support in the areas they see as necessity.
Also, Seedify. fund will not enter into any sort of financial or commission-based partnership for this program. The program’s sole purpose will be to have an extra layer of the professional support environment for the incubated projects at Seedify fund.