Before we reveal Pi cryptocurrency value, let share an insight into what pi cryptocurrency is all about. In this article, we are going to answer this frequently most asked question about pi cryptocurrency such as:
- What is Pi cryptocurrency
- What is Pi cryptocurrency value
- Is Pi network real
- How to withdraw pi network/cryptocurrency
- Pi cryptocurrency value in inr
What is Pi cryptocurrency

Pi is a new digital currency. This app allows you to access and grow your Pi holdings and serves as a wallet to host your digital assets. Pi is fairly distributed, eco-friendly, and consumes minimal battery power.
The PI coin is a coin available to everyone for free to make by just downloading their App on Android or App store and make an account and being active and participating in the community.
They have over 10 Million users. You earn PI coin whenever you start to enter into the App through someone’s referral and start being active.
What is Pi cryptocurrency value
PI offers smart contracts and the top contract is Eth. Of, Pi is highly unlikely to pass ETH. So our max price will be set at ETH/2.
Now, the bad thing about pi is the endless supply. That makes it less valuable by the day. Only after mining stops providing pi to miners, will it start appreciating over time. So the valuation will need to be market-oriented.
- Pessimistic — 0.000038
- Realistic — 0.0025
- Optimistic — 0.045
- Max — 1–1.5$
In our answer, we will only provide the “max” valuation:
Eth has a market cap of 80bln atm. Polka dot, which #2 in the smart contract crypto market, has a valuation roughly DOT=ETH/8 and we will pick a valuation 4 times higher than DOT and half of that of Eth as our max. This is because I truly believe in the vision, have faith in the team, and see an overall future in it.
Also, we know there are more than 10M users rn and using (as aforementioned) my 3330 coins as avg, we get 33.300.000.000 or 33Bln coins created.
So the Max valuation in this model is 40/33 = 1.21$
Is Pi Network Real
Nobody wants to be the first person to buy a new coin.
Community members that hold these “mined” coins won’t sell them for nothing.
The vast majority of the Pi Network community will be new members that lost the opportunity to “mine” and when mining will end, they will wish to buy.
The last part of people will create the demand, including me. I will buy any pi under one dollar as long I can afford it.
There are now over 14 million users and just a small fraction of them are holding balances of five or six figures. Those will sell early but will not provide enough to change the supply and demand balance because the size of the Pi community is way larger than was Bitcoin’s community back in 2009.
We also believe the price of one Pi will be over 1$ before it will be even listed on any exchange.
What will happen until 2025? Nobody knows.
Disclaimer: the “max” pricetag is a VERY unrealistic one and you should stick between the realistic and optimistic ones as a frame of reference.
How to withdraw Pi Cryptocurrency
Phase 3 (mainnet) is the third and final phase of Pi cryptocurrency development. It will be launching in January 2022, when the Pi network will become a fully-fledged cryptocurrency.
Pi cryptocurrency will be minted on the blockchain and Pi Network will award its users with the new cryptocurrency equal to the number displayed on the app. Pi Tokens, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, will be tradable on exchanges. You will also able to withdraw them.
It is unknown as to whether they will maintain custody of the keys to the Pi tokens when they are in the initial wallet. I personally intend to withdraw them to a hardware wallet once they have been allocated to me.
However, for any of this to happen, Pi Network needs to roll out the KYC process to meet regulations. Everyone who wants to be eligible to receive their accumulated Pi must eventually complete KYC.
Final Verdict
What could be the expected value of PI cryptocurrency in the future or in 2025? The PI coin is available for free to everyone to earn.
The PI coin App on App Store and Playstore has a cumulative of over 10 Million users. This is a huge number when looking into the crypto market.
When something is available for free to everyone, there is a huge chance that the prices could be very low. There are some optimistic people who are quoting $200 on one of the recent Medium articles we read and this is a complete joke.
Please air your opinions in the comment sections.