Welcome to the bulliscoming Meta Force smart contract review, the new Forsage BUSD. Meta Force is a fair, economically sound system, without deadlines for slots, with a limited number of places and an unlimited number of recycles.
How Does Meta Force Smart Contract Work

In order to start the Meta Force business, you need to use a stablecoin, BUSD, i.e. Binance USD. For all transactions, you need to have a small amount of BNB coins in order to pay fees. Your first transaction will be null – this is registration.
By registering once, in the future, you can activate any program without new registering. That is, by the time Meta Force is launched, you will already be registered, and therefore you will be able to log in earlier.
Register using the referral link of the person who opened this business for you. And then you have more chances that people you invited to register strictly according to your referral link. Referral connections are saved for all the Meta Force smart contract programs.
As soon as the payment is made, it is instantly sent to the wallet of the higher partner and you fill the matrix of your invite. At the same time, your own matrix opens up, in which there are 6 spots under you, two on the 1st line and four on the 2nd.
It is possible that a part of your matrix is inside the matrix of your upline if you got to him in the 1st line. Filling in your matrix is possible both with your actions if you invite, and spillovers from above, from a higher partner, as well as spillovers from below – when downlines of your 1st line are inviting.
Thus, with the whole team, you fill in the spots, and the payments to you do not depend on whose invitee is the one who filled the spot of your matrix. Payouts in this slot come to you from the 2nd line. These are 4 payments of 100%.
When new participants activate their spots in your matrices, the funds are sent directly to your wallet, or otherwise, bring you income. The last, 4th payment is intended for re-activation. It is the activation of the same matrix when the previous one is completely filled. It is best to do this automatically, instantly after closing the previous one, so as not to miss the income.
In the old scheme, this is the only possible mode. But we decided to give you freedom of choice. And there is an option to disable this mode. But in this case, you pay a commission of 25%. Which are sent to the product fund.
Here is another source that I mentioned. Thus, it turns out win-win: if the participant does not turn off, then the movement continues, if he turns off, then the product fund is replenished. When the partners you invited to fill their matrices, they also have an auto- reactivation (if they do not turn it off), and they again take the spot in your new matrix and you receive income.
Therefore, the “auto-reactivation” mode is enabled by default. It is important for you, for your development, that your team members do not stand still, but activate new levels of slots. Each next level costs exactly twice as much as the previous one, so you need to collect two payments, respectively. One payout is stored in a special smart contract for this, to which no one has access except you.
Then, as soon as another payout appears, the amount is combined, and the next level is instantly activated. Your downline partners will have the same, and thus your next level will fill up. Two payments are for auto-upgrade. By default, auto-upgrade switched on at your top active level. Except for the 12th, the topest one, of course.
Each participant has the opportunity to disable auto-upgrade by paying a in this way, it turns out to be much fairer than in the old system, in which those who wanted to develop the structure often lost money by mistake.
In the new version, the commission will be removed from those who do not want to develop, and these funds will benefit everyone. 25% commission Which immediately replenish the fund of our product.
Accordingly, at the 1st level, you have auto-upgrade enabled by default, if the 2nd level is not already activated. If you have already activated the 2nd level of the slot, then your 1st level do not need upgrade. In the old scheme, the motivation for this was to freeze income after passing one circle of the matrix, if the next level is not activated.
They decided to remove the freeze. This approach has a number of disadvantages. Many simply do not notice that they have passed the circle, and they lose income. Instead, we use auto-upgrades.
Meta Force Smart Contract Marketing Tips
We suggest that most participants activate at least 5 levels of slots from the very start in order not to lose profit, because many will do this, and you need to have active matrices to make a profit. After passing the 5th level of the slot, the auto-upgrade will activate the 6th slot for you (if it has not been activated before).
Which is already different from the previous ones. Here, instead of 6, there are only 3 spots in the matrix. In one line. Such a matrix gives the fastest income to active participants. You do not need to wait for the 1st line to be filled, you immediately receive 100% from everyone who fills your matrix. Total 300% income, of which 200% is net profit.