Just in Insme Crashed, a platform ( created on the 6th October 2020) where you can get commissions just by clicking the like button on Instagram. Most celebrities are commercial accounts need thousands of likes and comments and so INSME App provides an opportunity for its members to earn money while they promote celebrity posts on Instagram.
After Insme crashed the founder of Insme Mathew O. Ezekiel is now wanted by EFCC in a case of criminal conspiracy, money laundering, and misappropriation of public funds to the tune of N117 Billion using fraudulent PONZI scheme (Insme).
What is Insme

Before Insme Crashed, this is who they said they are.
Insme is an Authorized Affiliate platform of InsHeart in Nigeria. In 2015 with the strong support of IG, dozens of the most popular European and American Internet celebrities have jointly founded Insheart, an international online interactive community for IG users. After the formation, InHeart is focusing on bringing the IG users together, to enhance communications with each other, and give the best advice to IG so that they may also continue to improve. In October of 2020, InsHeart has opened its platform for the people in Nigeria by appointing Insme. The member of Insme can now earn extra income by helping to promote the ads of IG through Insert.
But then, they was no legal proof or documentation to back up their claims of who they are until this day insme app crashed.
How Does Insme Work Before the Crash
Insme has two different business models. This is that Insme members can get rewards by just clicking like on the influential marketing contents on Instagram.
For the second Insme aggressively augments promotion of internet celebrities who have talents but are still anonymust due t the lack of network resources.
When Insme investors complete the task they get a reward depending on the package they are in.
Insme has 9 different packages, one is free, and the other 8 are subscription based.
Insme 9 Different Subscription Packages
Free Package
- Subscription fee – Free
- Mission daily – 2
- Validity – 10 days.
First Package
- Subscription fee – N1680
- Mission daily – 3
- Per pay Mission. N28
- Validity – 60 days.
Second Package
- Subscription fee – N6888
- Mission daily – 5
- Per pay Mission. N69
- Validity – 60 days.
Third Package
- Subscription fee – N62888
- Mission daily – 25
- Per pay Mission. N125
- Validity – 60 days.
Fourth Package
- Subscription fee – N148888
- Mission daily – 38
- Per pay Mission. N195
- Validity – 60 days.
Fifth Package
- Subscription fee – N298888
- Mission daily – 70
- Per pay Mission. N213
- Validity – 60 days.
Sixth Package
- Subscription fee – N638888
- Mission daily – 140
- Per pay Mission. N228
- Validity – 60 days.
Seventh Package
- Subscription fee – N1488888
- Mission daily – 290
- Per pay Mission. N256
- Validity – 60 days.
Eight Package
- Subscription fee – N2988888
- Mission daily – 580
- Per pay Mission. N258
- Validity – 60 days.’
Ninth Package
- Subscription fee – N6388888
- Mission daily – 1238
- Per pay Mission. N283
- Validity – 60 days.
As you keep completing your task daily on Instagram, you get paid up till 60 days.
Who is the Founder of Insme App Nigeria
The founder of crashed Insme Investment is Mr. Mathew O. Ezekiel. Who is cureently on the wanted list of EFCC.

There are numerous platforms that promise to pay their users money for completing certain tasks, some of them deliver on their promise, some pay for a while then disappear into the thin air and others are just pure scam.
Please note that 99% of every online business that’s not regulated are of calculated risk. And are programmed not to last long. Invest wisely so as you don’t loose your money to cheap scam programs in sheep clothing.