Elite Swap is Complete Fork of Uniswap With Defi Dashboard and Multichain Swap Protocol.
DeFi represents a broad category of financial applications that are being developed on top of open, trust-minimized, programmable, and censorship-resistant networks to improve upon the legacy financial system or create entirely new use-cases.
Today most of these new financial experiments are deployed on Ethereum.
What is Elite Swap Token (ELT)

- ELT, the Elite Swap Protocol token, is live!
- ELT contract address: 0x380291A9A8593B39f123cF39cc1cc47463330b1F
- 60% of the ELT genesis supply is allocated to Elite Swap community members
- To start, ELT is available through four liquidity mining pools
ELT Allocation
10 billion ELT have been minted at genesis and will become accessible over the course of 4 years. The initial four year allocation is as follows:
- 60.00% to Elite Swap community members 6,000,000,000 ELT
- 20% to team members, future employees and advisor with 4-year vesting 2,000,000,000 ELT
- 10% to investors with 4-year vesting
1,000,000,000 ELT
- 10% to airdrop
1,000,000,000 ELT
Community Treasury
The governance treasury will retain 58% [5,800,000,000 ELT] of ELT supply to distribute on an ongoing basis through contributor grants, community initiatives, liquidity mining, and other programs.
ELT will vest to the governance treasury on a continuous basis according to the following schedule.
Governance will have access to vested ELT starting December 16 2020 12:00am UTC.
Year | Community Treasury | Distribution % |
Year 1 | 2,400,000,000 ELT | 24% |
Year 2 | 1,700,000,000 ELT | 17% |
Year 3 | 1,100,000,000 ELT | 11% |
Year 4 | 600,000,000 ELT | 6% |
Team, investor, and advisor ELT allocations will have tokens locked up on an identical schedule.
ELT Liquidity Mining
An initial liquidity mining program will go live November 16 2020 12:00am UTC. The initial program will run until January 18 2021 10:40am UTC and target the following four pools on Elite Swap:
50,000,000 ELT will be allocated per pool to LPs proportional to liquidity, which roughly translates to 833,333 ELT per pool per day.
These ELT are not subject to vesting or lock up.
After 30 days, governance will reach its vesting cliff and Elite Swap governance will control all ELT vested to the Elite Swap treasury.
At this point, governance can vote to allocate ELT towards grants, strategic partnerships, governance initiatives, additional liquidity mining pools, and other programs.
Governance assets
A community-managed treasury opens up a world of infinite possibilities.
Elite Swap hope to see a variety of experimentation, including ecosystem grants and public goods funding, both of which can foster additional Elite Swap ecosystem growth.
Elite Swap governance will be live from day one, although control over the treasury will be delayed until December 16 2020 12:00am UTC. Control over the Elite Swap fee switch is subject to a 180 day time lockdelay.
These grace periods provide the Elite Swap community enough time to familiarize itself with the governance system, bring in a diverse and high-quality set of protocol delegates, and begin discussions and communications around potential governance proposals.
ELT holders are responsible for ensuring that governance decisions are made in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
To help facilitate this, the fee switch has been initialized to a contract ELT holders can use to vote on tokens for which they will collect fees.
The community is encouraged to consult knowledgeable legal and regulatory professionals before implementing any specific proposal.
In the meantime, ELT holders will have immediate ownership of:
- Elite Swap governance
- ELT community treasury
- The protocol fee switch
- Elite Swap Default List
Initial governance parameters are as follows:
- 1% of ELT total supply (delegated) to submit a governance proposal
- 4% of ELT supply required to vote ’yes’ to reach quorum
- 7 day voting period
- 2 day timelock delay on execution
Next steps
Liquidity providers in the preliminary set of targeted pools can deposit their liquidity tokens. Mining began on November 16th, 2020 12 am UTC.

ELT tokens can be delegated and used to vote through the governance portal.

ELT Token Contracts
- ELT Token: https://etherscan.io/token/0x380291a9a8593b39f123cf39cc1cc47463330b1f
Elite Swap Token Airdrop
Elite Swap is launching a Crypto Airdrop program to the community. Join the Airdrop campaign and complete tasks, You will receive free 1,000 ELT Tokens with an estimated value of $10. Step by step to earn free crypto as below.

P.S You are expected to interact with Uniswap defi once or multiple times, before you can be eligible to claim elite swap token airdrop.
Understanding Eliteswap Returns
Elite Swap incentivizes users to add liquidity to pools by rewarding providers with fees on trades.
Market making, in general, is a complex activity that has the risk of losing money (compared to just holding) in the case of big directional moves of the underlying asset price.
Consider the case where a liquidity provider adds 10,000 DAI and 100 WETH to a pool (for a total value of $20,000), the liquidity pool is now 100,000 DAI and 1,000 ETH in total.
Because the amount supplied is equal to 10% of the total liquidity, the contract mints and sends the market maker “liquidity tokens” which entitle them to 10% of the liquidity available in the pool. These are not speculative tokens to be traded.
They are merely an accounting or bookkeeping tool to keep track of how much the liquidity providers are owed.
If others subsequently add/withdraw coins, new liquidity tokens are minted/burned such that everyone’s relative percentage share of the liquidity pool remains the same.
Now let’s assume the price trades on Coinbase from $100 to $150. The Elite Swap contract should reflect this change as well after some arbitrage. Traders will add DAI and remove ETH until the new ratio is now 150:1.
What happens to the liquidity provider? The contract reflects something closer to 122,400 DAI and 817 ETH (to check these numbers are accurate, 122,400 * 817 = 100,000,000 (our constant product) and 122,400 / 817 = 150, our new price).
Withdrawing the 10% that we are entitled to would now yield 12,240 DAI and 81.7 ETH. The total market value here is $24,500. Roughly $500 worth of profit was missed out on as a result of the market making.
Obviously no one wants to provide liquidity out of charitable means, and the revenue isn’t dependent on the ability to flip out of good trades (there is no flipping). Instead, 0.3% of all trade volume is distributed proportionally to all liquidity providers.
By default, these fees are put back into the liquidity pool, but can be collected any time. It’s difficult to know what the trade-off is between revenues from fees and losses from directional movements without knowing the amount of in-between trades. The more chop and back and forth, the better.