Welcome to Bulliscoming Dromos Token Review, in this expert Dromos coin review, you are going to discover new facts about Dromos coin and what it entails. Let’s dive in.
What is Dromos COIN

Dromos Token Review
Dromos Token is a deflationary exchange token that seeks to provide users with the most simplified decentralized marketplace in the crypto space.
With the newly emerged De-Fi wave being paved through our society, a platform like Dromos is an emerging necessity.
Like any other token, Dromos would expectedly experience rises and falls in price due to varying waves of hype.
Dromos combats this with an embedded burning rate as well as consulted manual burning rates with tokenomics professionals.
Dromos is a de-fi exchange token running on the Binance bu DromSmart chain (BSC). Dromos tokens can be stored in secure, BSC-compatible wallets such as Metamask, TrustWallet, etc. to ensure their safety.
Dromos claims to bridge the gap between decentralized finance and the pragmatists of the financial world. Dromos believed cryptocurrency to be in a “chasm” as many early adopters and visionaries have already invested in the ever-growing economy of cryptocurrency.
With the market nearing and even surpassing 2.4 trillion dollars and reaching a point of stagnation, they believe a breakout is imminent soon.
Also, the Dromos team is working day and night to create an exchange that will run on “Dromos token” to make it an easy process to purchase altcoins. These crypto tokens and currencies come with a fair share of risk but the rewards eclipse them, to say the least.
Combining our on the edge cryptocurrency knowledge with upcoming staking, they are confident and believe that Dromos will be the next big thing.
If you’re a newbie to buying Dromos coins, then there is a need to follow the necessary steps which will be listed below.
Market Supply of Dromos Token
The market supply for Dromos Coin is as follows;
- Price in $US: $0.002126972731
- Price Change % in 1hr: -7.5%
- Current Liquidity Pool: 6.97088003
- BNBTotal Supply: 950,590,360
- Market cap: $2,021,879
- Number of Holders :959
- Number of transactions: 7606
- Ticker symbol: DRM
- Token contract address: 0x6b236e2ddaa235256cd7e3fecbfd940c5287dbda
How to Buy Dromos Coin
Firstly, you need to note that you can only buy dromos token on pancakeswap exchange at the moment.
Step 1: Copy the contract address as seen below
Contact address: 0x6b236e2ddaa235256cd7e3fecbfd940c5287dbda

Step 2: Download TrustWallet App and Access Pancakeswap
You will need a trusted wallet on your device to access the panckaeswap exchange website through its built-in DApp browser. Visit www.trustwallet.com to download for your preferred device either android or IOS.
When done, signup to trust wallet. Now from your installed trustwallet’s dashboard, you need to click on “DApps browser” Scroll to where you have POPULAR and click on Pancakeswap.
Step 3: Buy dromos with smart chain BnB
Now that you already got some smart chain BnB, all you need to do is go to the pancakeswap exchange, then search for the Dromos coin.
Also, Set slippage to 12% and finally hit Swap. As simple as that. This is how to buy a dromos coin.
No other BSC-based token has approached exchange like Dromos. They ensure secure trading with minimal fees while dealing with new coins with huge potential. In essence, Dromos is a safe, user-friendly “in” to up-and-coming crypto markets.
This article will be updated whenever new changes pop up on the Dromos coin.