Nobody was supposed to take Dogecoin seriously. Back in 2013, a couple of guys created a new cryptocurrency inspired by the “doge” meme, which features a Shiba Inu dog making excited but ungrammatical declarations.
What is Dogecoin

Dogecoin is an open-source peer-to-peer digital currency, favored by Shiba Inus worldwide. It is a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency that enables you to easily send money online. Think of it as “the internet currency.”
Dogecoin emerged in 2013 as a joke. It was created by Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus to satirize the growth of altcoins by making the doge internet meme into a cryptocurrency.
While it was birthed as a joke, it actually led to some practicality as its large supply and low price facilitated efficient micro-tipping content on social media.
It is a derivative of Luckycoin which forked from Litecoin and uses a Scrypt algorithm. Dogecoin has 1-minute block intervals making it faster than other blockchains.
There is no cap to the supply of coins and thus the coin can inflate infinitely.
Doge (pronounced /ˈdoʊdʒ/ DOHJ) is a slang term for “dog” that is primarily associated with pictures of Shiba Inus (nicknamed “Shibe”) and internal monologue captions on Tumblr.
These photos may be photoshopped to change the dog’s face or captioned with interior monologues in Comic Sans font. Starting in 2017, Ironic Doge formats gained prevalence over the original wholesome version.
What’s with Dogecoin and the dog?
“Doge” is our fun, friendly mascot! The Shiba Inu is a Japanese breed of dog that was popularized as an online meme and represents Dogecoin.
The use of the misspelled word “doge” to refer to a dog dates back to June 24th, 2005, when it was mentioned in an episode of Homestar Runner’s puppet show.
In the episode titled “Biz Cas Fri 1”, Homestar calls Strong Bad his “d-o-g-e” while trying to distract him from his work.
Why is Dogecoin Price Going UP
People on Twitter were also calling on billionaire Elon Musk to tweet about Dogecoin, hoping that would help fuel the intended rally for the digital token.
Just a day earlier, Musk’s “Gamestonks!!” tweet helped shares in GameStop soar 700% higher.
Musk has in fact tweeted about Dogecoin a number of times previously and said it just might be his favorite cryptocurrency. His last tweet on the coin was about a month ago when he simply said – ” One word: Doge.

The cryptocurrency’s latest spike is similar to that seen last year when a viral TikTok video attracted half a million views, pushing its price higher by 35% in two days.
Dogecoin’s market cap is around $2.1 billion, placing it at the 25th-highest among cryptocurrencies, according to data from CoinGecko.
Most Funny Dogecoin Meme 2021
Here are the most funny dogecoin meme
1. When You are part of Dogecoin Meme and When you are Not
Dogecoin price just hiked after elonmusk tweeted about it. Newbies will be like, “what the f**k is dogecoin”

2. I Said 1 Dodge is 1 Dodge
When newbies start asking you the price of dogecoin just because the price did 700+ increase

3. When you meet a Dogecoin hater
The best savage you can give to a dogecoin hater.

4. Subscribing for Dogecoin News about the cryptocurrency instead of Meme
When you are a fake Dodgecoin member, going for profit rather than memes.

5. When Dogecoin reached $1 Billion Market Cap, and You think it a meme

6. When You Where the First Person to get Dogecoin from the Start
When you are a long time holder of dodge, and boom dodge made you much money, and you still think it is a meme

7. When You Bump on Dodge
When you accidentally bump on dodge and you taught it is going to attack you like other random dogs.

8. When You See Doge Price Going Up, and Realize 1 Dodge = 1Dodge