Following the previous PUMP and DUMP of Dogecoin, they have been a lot of airs and faithful Dogecoin investors, are working together, individually to ensure Dogecoin goes to the moon, and push Dogecoin to the moon they are various ongoing petitions for Dogecoin to be accepted as a means of payment by top companies.
The r/Dogecoin reddit group is now the second most popular group in Reddit, with a total of 810k members.

Currently, they have been a massive promotion and adoption of dogecoin by various private enterprise, that decides to add dogecoin as a means of payment.
Companies like Travala, Keys4Coins, and many more, here you can check out the complete list of companies/places where you can already spend Dogecoin (as far we know the list is currently being updated regularly, but Pornhub is not on there yet).
List of all Ongoing Petititons for Dogecoin to be Accepted by Top Companies
Dogecoin may start as a meme and later turns out to become the next Bitcoin. Here is the latest ongoing petition for Dogecoin to be accepted as a means of exchange of value.
- Amazon
- Steam
- Onlyfans
- Paypal
- Netflix
- Coinbase
- Newegg
- Gamestop
1. Doge4Amazon – Accept Dogecoin as a payment method

Currently, Amazon does not accept cryptocurrencies as a payment method alienating many people who do not have a traditional bank account. being a leader in innovation should accept Dogecoin, as a form of payment. Dogecoin is fast, cheap, and stable.
It is stable in value, has the lowest transaction fee of other major coins, has a huge supply of coins, and has a very large, active community with on-going development.
Dogecoin is already being used by many small business owners, charity organizations, and entrepreneurs around the world as a means to buy and sell goods and services.
It’s time for to be one of the first major companies to see the power of Dogecoin and to accept it as a payment method.
2. DOGE TO THE MARS! Cut the supply make a coin cap!

Currently, Dogecoin doesn’t have a hard coin cap as Bitcoin does and has a 4% inflation rate. The supply increases by 5 billion coins annually.
Which is a lot more than other cryptocurrencies. This makes it nothing more than a joke to some. We’re trying to help the people who trust in DOGE make their investment grow, by creating a coin cap.
By cutting the supply we are attempting to turn Dogecoin into a scarce currency with high demand.
A lot of these people have chosen this coin for its low price, and see this as a way to build their wealth in a system that has not allowed them to.
3. Add Dogecoin to Steam as a paying option

Dogecoin is the cryptocurrency of the doge. As such, the doge can be loved by many. That is why the community proposes to extend the love to the wonderful world of PC gaming with Steam.

Let’s get NETFLIX ago accept DOGECOIN for the working class citizen. At the same time making DOGECOIN one of the top cryptocurrencies.
BY making this happen we the people have a say in Corp America at the same time we help our currency growing.
The average citizen can’t afford Bitcoin and we are leaving the Industrial Age moving into the Digital Age.
This is a great way for hard-working citizens of this great nation to spend their money with profits from investments in what we believe in.
At the same time spending money on things we enjoy without having to wonder if we can afford it over time. We make the products and services we use daily a lot of money.
These big companies keep getting wealthier and you and I keep footing the bill for their goods and services.
I’m all for free enterprise I just want it on a level playing field so every one of us great American citizens can get our share of the wealth too.
This crypto has a great following and anyone can buy in.
Cryptocurrency is here and there shouldn’t be just a hand of them that the top 1% can afford and everyone else can’t.
With that said I say let us in! We just want our chance at growing our money just like the 1% does.
5. Paypal add DOGE to their crypto trade

We the people have a right to the DOGE it is such wow. This petition is to get paypal to not only adopt our cute little DOGE into their crypto offerings but, to have terms of service not allowing them to stop the trading of it in any form either directly or indirectly. Keep the market free it’s our DOGE.
6. Add Dogecoin to Coinbase Petition

As we all know Doge is popping off right now and I know it will help the progress if we all come together to demand Coinbase start supporting Dogecoin. The easier it gets to buy Doge the more people will buy it spontaneously.
7. Gamestop accepting Dogecoin as a payment option Petition

We all want to change the world piece by piece with a movement started by Reddit. By defending many companies against what we think are unfair and downright criminal short attacks we have shown that to the world already.
That’s why we want to break free from centralized currency and start the world of tomorrow with decentralized crypto currency.
We love Dogecoin as it represents us as future-oriented people with unconventional humor and hopes for a better future without corruption and greed.
It is the currency of social media and loved by many because of its meme status! Dogecoin started as a joke, but it’s actually a seriously powerful currency that could definitely be implemented.
That’s why we are asking for your help to give Doge the credit it deserves, to grow an Idea of what our future could look like.
If GameStop would accept Dogecoin as a currency, that would bring us one step closer to that idea.
8. Dogecoin Accepted As A Currency By Newegg Petition

With the widespread growth of $Doge as a crypto investment option, we are seeing an increasing amount of both interest and new buyers, while this is good for the strength of $Doge as a currency in the long term we need options of where we can actively spend $Doge.
This is important as It will help strengthen the stability of $Doge, as such, we are petitioning NewEgg as a vendor to accept $Doge for payments made by the site.
The advantage of doing so will be a dump for a large quantity of $Doge into a hopefully secure and stable holder as people spend $Doge it will reduce the overall market this reduction in the market will then allow for $Doge to become more stable as NewEgg steadily sell their $Doge back to the community.
With the previous actions of the mainstream “Influencers”, the overall perception of $Doge as a pump and dump has been solidified in the view of the masses as nothing more than this.
With this perception, $Doge will remain as nothing more than a meme currency which negatively influences the growth as crypto.
9. Onlyfans should allow its content creators to be tipped in dogecoin!

Dogecoin. Of course you’ve heard of it. It’s only the coolest cryptocurrency around. It’s light, it’s fun, and it’s the coin of the internet realm.
Historically, it has been used across the internet to tip people for good memes or good deeds– why shouldn’t it be used to tip content creators on Onlyfans?
“The most entertaining outcome and the most ironic outcome would be that dogecoin becomes the currency of Earth in the future.
Dogecoin was made as a joke to make fun of crypto… but fate loves irony
Elon Musk, 1/31/2021
Dogecoin is the coin of the internet realm, right? What’s more internet than Onlyfans? Why doesn’t Onlyfans offer their content creators the option to accept dogecoin?!?! Sign this petition and share today!
Final verdict
If there’s a petition that you are sure it is not listed here, and you want it to get in the list, don’t hesitate to contact us.